Native Plant Pick-Up Times

Due to the overwhelming support for our recent native plant sales, we’ve developed a new system! As we’ve said in the past, we’re a small team and hosting these events at our residence where there is limited parking. While we are so incredibly grateful for y’all’s support of our native nursery, we’ve been a little overwhelmed with the sheer number of people showing up at one time in the morning.

We couldn’t be happier!

As we’re growing, we’re learning and deepening our understanding of what these events should look like.

That’s why we’ve developed our new native plant shopping appointment times! This system will help us ensure that everybody that comes to the plant sale gets plenty of time to peruse the nursery, chat with the team, and take a peek at our beautiful rain gardens, in a more quiet and peaceful environment.

Appointments are in 15 minute increments from 10am to noon. From noon until 2 we'll be welcoming walk-ins as usual. We appreciate your cooperation with this new system.

Please sign up for a time slot using the link down below!

We’ll see y’all on the first Saturday!